
Interswitch SPAK Syllabus February, 2025– Complete Exam Guide- 360trendic

Interswitch SPAK Biology Syllabus

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Interswitch SPAK 2023 Practice Questions

A. Concept of Living

1. Classification of Living Things

2. Organization of life

  • cell (single-celled organisms):  Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium
  • Tissue: Hydra
  • Organ (storage organ) bulb, rhizome and heart.
  • System/Organ System: In mammals, flowering plants -reproductive system, excretory system
  • etc.
  • Complexity of organization in higher organisms: advantages and
  • disadvantages.

3. Forms in which living cells exist.

  • Single and free-living: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, and Chlamydomonas
  • Colony: Volvox
  • Filament: Spirogyra
  • Part of a living organism: Cheek cells, onion root tip cells and epidermis of fleshy leaves

4. (a) Cell structure and functions of cell components.

    (b) Similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.

5. The Cell and its environment. Physical and Biophysical processes.

  • diffusion
  • osmosis
  • active transport

6. Properties and functions of the living cell

(a) Nutrition
(i) Autotrophic
(ii) Heterotrophic (holozoic)
(b) Cellular respiration
Definition and processes of:
(i) aerobic respiration
(ii) anaerobic respiration
(iii) energy release
(c) Excretion
(i) Excretion in single-celled aquatic organisms. Diffusion by body surface and by contractile vacuole.
(ii) Waste products of metabolism.
(d) Growth
(i) Basis of growth – cell division (mitosis), enlargement and differentiation.
(ii) Aspects of growth:
Increase in dry weight, irreversible increase in size and length and increase in number of cells.
(iii) Regions of fastest growth in
(iv) Influence of growth hormones and
(v) Growth curvatures (Tropisms)

7. (i)Tissues and supporting systems

(b) Different types of supporting tissues in plants.

8. Transport System:

(i) Transport in Animals

(ii) Transport in plants

9. Respiratory System:

(a) Body surface: cutaneous, gills and lungs.
(b) Mechanisms of gaseous exchange in fish, toad, mammals and plants.

10. Excretory Systems and Mechanisms

Types of excretory systems: Kidney, stomata
and lenticel

11. Regulation of Internal Environment

(a) Kidney: Structure and functions
(b) Liver: Functions of the liver.
(c) The skin:
Structure and function.

12. Hormonal Coordination

(a) Animal hormones:
Site of secretion, functions and effects of over and under secretion.
(b) Plant hormones

13. Nervous Coordination

(a) The central nervous system
(i) Components of the central nervous system
(ii) Parts of the brain and their functions; cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and their functions
(iii) Structure and function of the Spinal Cord.

(b) Peripheral Nervous System.
(i) Somatic Nervous System
(ii) Autonomic nervous system.
(iii) Structure and functions of the neurone.
(iv) Classification of neurones

(c) Types of nervous actions
(i) The reflex arc
(ii) Reflex and voluntary actions
(iii) Differences between reflex and voluntary actions.
(iv) Conditioned reflex and its role on behaviour

14. Sense Organs: Structure and function of the
(a) Eye
(b) Ear

15. Reproductive system of mammals

(a) Reproductive system of mammals
(i) Structure and function of male and female reproductive systems.
(ii) Differences between male and female reproductive organs.
(iii) Structure of the gametes (sperm and ovum)
(iv) Fertilization, development of the embryo and birth.
(v) Birth control
(b) Metamorphosis in insects, life histories of butterfly and cockroach

(c) Comparison of reproduction in fish, amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal.
(d) Reproduction in flowering plants
(i) Arrangements of floral parts of a named insect-pollinated flower and a named wind-pollinated flower.
(ii) Structure and function of the male and female parts of a flower.
(e) Pollination in Plants
(i) Types of pollination
(ii) Features of cross-pollinated and selfpollinated flowers
(iii) Agents of Pollination
(iv) Kinds of placentation: axile, marginal
and parietal.
(f) Process of development of zygote in flowering plants: Fertilization.
(g) (i) Types of fruits (classification).
(ii) Structure of fruit

(h) Dispersal of fruits and seeds: Agents of

B. Plant and Animal Nutrition

B. Plant and Animal Nutrition

1. Plant Nutrition

(a) Photosynthesis: (i) Process of photosynthesis and its chemical equation (ii) Light and dark reactions (iii) Materials and conditions necessary for photosynthesis (iv) Evidence of photosynthesis (b) Mineral requirement of plants (i) Mineral nutrition: Macro and micro-nutrients (ii) Soil and atmosphere as sources of mineral elements.

2. Animal Nutrition (a) Food substances; classes and sources(b) Balanced diet and its importance (c ) Food tests (d) Digestive enzymes: Classes, characteristics and functions (e) Modes of Nutrition (i) Autotrophic: Photosynthesis, (ii) Heterotrophic: holozoic, parasitic, symbiotic and saprophytic. (f) Alimentary System: Alimentary tract of different animals. (g) Dental Formula

C. Basic Ecological Concepts

1. Ecosystem:

2. Ecological factors:

3. Simple Measurement of Ecological Factors.

4. Food webs and trophic levels

6. Ecological Management:

7. Ecology of population

8. Microorganisms: Man and health

D. Variation in Population

E. Biology of Heredity (Genetics)

  1. Genetic terminologies
  2. Transmission and expression of characteristics in organisms.
    (a) Hereditary variation
    (b) Mendel’s work in genetics
    (i) Mendel’s experiments
    (ii) Mendelian traits
    (iii) Mendelian laws
  3. Chromosomes: The basis of heredity
    (a) Structure
    (b) Process of transmission of
    hereditary characters from parents
    to offspring.
  4. Probability in genetics (Hybrid formation).
  5. Linkage, sex determination and sex linked
  6. Application of the principles of heredity in:
    (a) Agriculture
    (b) Medicine

F. Adaptation for survival and Evolution.

G. Evolution

Interswitch SPAK 2023 Practice Questions

Interswitch SPAK Mathematics Syllabus

A. Number and Numeration

  • Number bases
  • Modular Arithmetic Fractions, Decimals and Approximations
  • Indices
  • Logarithms
  • Sequence and Series
  • Sets
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Positive and negative integers, rational numbers
  • Surds (Radicals)
  • Matrices and Determinants
  • Ratio, Proportions and Rates
  • Percentages
  • Financial Arithmetic
  • Variation

B. Algebraic Processes

  • Algebraic expressions
  • Simple operations on algebraic expressions
  • Solution of Linear Equations
  • Change of Subject of a Formula/Relation
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Graphs of Linear and Quadratic functions.
  • Linear Inequalities
  • Algebraic Fractions
  • Functions and Relations

C. Mensuration

  • Lengths and
  • Perimeters
  • Areas
  • Volumes

D. Plane Geometry

  • Angles
  • Angles and intercepts on parallel lines.
  • Triangles and Polygons.
  • Circles
  • Construction
  • Loci

E. Coordinate Geometry of Straight Lines

  • Concept of the x-y plane.
  • Coordinates of points on the x-y plane

F. Trigonometry

  • Sine, Cosine and Tangent of an angle.
  • Angles of elevation and depression
  • Bearings

G. Introductory Calculus

  • Differentiation of algebraic functions.
  • Integration of simple Algebraic functions

H. Statistics and Probability

  • Statistics
  • Probability

I. Vectors and Transformation

  • Vectors in a Plane
  • Transformation in the Cartesian Plane

Interswitch SPAK 2023 Practice Questions

Interswitch SPAK Physics Syllabus

1. Concepts of matter

2. Fundamental and derived quantities and units

3. Position, distance and displacement.

(a) Concept of position as a location of point – rectangular coordinates.

4. Mass and weight Distinction between mass and weight

5. Time

6. Fluids at rest

7. Motion

8. Speed and velocity

9. Rectilinear acceleration

10. Scalars and vectors

11. Equilibrium of forces

12. Simple harmonic motion

13. Newton’s laws of motion:

14. Energy:

15. Work, Energy and Power

16. Heat Energy

17. Production and propagation of waves

18. Types of waves

19. Properties of waves:

20. Light waves

21. Electromagnetic waves:

22. Sound Waves

23. Description and property of fields.

24. Gravitational field

25. Electric Field

26. Magnetic field

27. Electromagnetic field

28. Simple a.c. circuits

29. Structure of the atom

30. Structure of the nucleus

31. Wave-particle paradox

Interswitch SPAK 2023 Practice Questions

Interswitch SPAK Chemistry Syallbus

(a) (i) Measurement of physical quantities.
(ii) Scientific measurements and theirimportance in chemistry.
(b) Scientific Method

(a) Gross features of the atom.
(b) (i) Atomic number/proton number, number of neutrons, isotopes, atomic mass, mass number.

(ii) Relative atomic mass (Ar) and relative molecular mass (Mr) based on Carbon-12 scale.
(iii) Characteristics and nature of matter.
(c) Particulate nature of mater: physical and chemical changes.
(d) (i) Electron Configuration
(ii) Orbitals
(iii) Rules and principles for filling in electrons.

(a) Classification of mixtures.
(b) Separation techniques
(c) Criteria for purity.
(a) Periodicity of the elements.
(b)Different categories of elements in the
periodic table.
(c) Periodic law:
(i) Trends on periodic table;
(ii) Periodic gradation of the elements in the third period (Na – Ar)

(d) Reactions between acids and metals, their oxides and trioxocarbonates (IV).
(e) Periodic gradation of elements in group seven, the halogens: F, Cl, Br and I.
(f) Elements of the first transition series. 21Sc – 30Zn

(a) Interatomic bonding
(b) (i) Formation of ionic bonds and compounds.
(ii) Properties of ionic compounds.
(c) Naming of ionic compounds.
(d) Formation of covalent bonds and compounds.
(e) (i) Properties of covalent compounds.
(ii) Coordinate (dative) covalent

(f) Shapes of molecular compounds.
(g)(i) Metallic Bonding
(ii) Factors influencing its formation.
(iii) Properties of metals.
(h)(i) Inter molecular bonding
(ii) Intermolecular forces in covalent compounds.
(iii) Hydrogen bonding

(iii) van der Waals forces
(iv) Comparison of all bond types.

(a)(i) Symbols, formulae and equations.
(ii)chemical symbols
(iii) Empirical and molecular formulae.
(iv) Chemical equations and IUPAC names of chemical compounds.
(v)Laws of chemical combination.
(b)Amount of substance.

(c) Mole ratios
(d) (i) Solutions
(ii) Concentration terms
(iii) Standard solutions.
(e) Preparation of solutions from liquid
solutes by the method of dilution.

(a) (i) Kinetic theory of matter.
(ii) Changes of state of matter.
(iii) Diffusion

(b) Gases:
(i) Characteristics and nature of gases;
(ii) The gas laws;
(iii)Laboratory preparation and properties of some gases.
(c) (i) Liquids
(ii) Vapour and gases.

(d) Solids:
(i) Characteristics and nature;
(ii) Types and structures;
(iii) Properties of solids.
(e) Structures, properties and uses of diamond and graphite.
(f) Determination of melting points of covalent solids.
(a)Energy and enthalpy
(b)Description, definition and illustrations of energy changes and their effects.

(a) Definitions of acids and bases.
(b) Physical and chemical properties of acids and bases.
(c) Acids, bases and salts as electrolytes.
(d) Classification of acids and bases.
(e) Concept of pH

(f) Salts:
(i) Laboratory and industrial preparation of salts;
(ii) Uses;
(iii) Hydrolysis of salt.
(g)Deliquescent, efflorescent and hygroscopic compound.
(h)Acid-Base indicators
(i) Acid-Base titration

(a) General principles
(b) Practical application of solubility.

(a) Rate of reactions:
(i) Factors affecting rates;
(ii) Theories of reaction rates;
(iii) Analysis and interpretation of graphs.
(b) Equilibrium:
(i) General Principle;

(ii) Le Chatelier’s principle.
(a) Oxidation and reduction process.
(b) Oxidizing and reducing agents.
(c) Redox equations
(d) Electrochemical cells:
(i) Standard electrode potential;
(ii) Drawing of cell diagram and writing cell notation.

(iii) e.m.f of cells;
(iv) Application of Electrochemical cells.

(e) Electrolysis:
(i) Electrolytic cells;
(ii) Principles of electrolysis;
(iii) Factors influencing discharge of
(iv) Faraday’s laws;
(v) Practical application;

(vi) Corrosion of metals.
(a) Classification
(b) Functional group
(b) Separation and purification of organic compounds.
(c) Petroleum/crude oil

(d) Determination of empirical and molecular formulae and molecular structures of
organic compounds.
(e) General properties of organic compounds:
(i) Homologous series;
(ii) Isomerism.
(f) Alkanes:
(i) Sources, properties;
(ii) Uses.
(g) Alkenes:
(i) Sources and properties;

(ii) Uses;
(iii) Laboratory detection.
(h) Alkynes:
(i) Sources, characteristic properties and
(ii) Chemical reactions.

(i) Benzene:
(i) Structure and physical properties;
(ii) Chemical properties.

(J) Alkanols:
(i) Sources, nomenclature and structure;
(ii) Classification;
(iii) Physical properties;
(iv) Chemical properties;
(v) Laboratory test;
(vi) Uses.
(k) Alkanoic acids:
(i) Sources, nomenclature and structure;
(ii) Physical properties;

(iii) Chemical properties;
(iv) Laboratory test;
(iv) Uses.
(l) Alkanoates as drivatives of alkanoic acids:
(i) Sources, nomenclature, preparation and structure;
(ii) Physical properties;
(iii) Chemical properties;
(iv) Uses.
(a) Chemical industry

(b) Pollution: air, water and soil pollution;
(c) Biotechnology.
(a) Proteins:
(i) Sources and properties;
(ii) Uses of protein.
(b) Amino acids

(c) Fats/oils:
(i) Sources and properties;
(ii) General structure of fats/oils;
(iii) Preparation of soap;
(iv) Uses of fats/oils.
(d) Carbohydrates:
(i) Sources and nomenclature;
(ii) Properties;

(iii) Carbohydrate as examples of polymer;
(iv) Uses.
(e) Synthetic polymers:

(i) Properties;

(ii) Uses of polymers.

The Interswitch SPAK syllabus for the 2023 Competition is completely based on the Nigerian Senior Secondary School Curriculum. The Secondary School NECO/WAEC Syllabus will be used to set questions. Students are therefore advised to Study past questions from the 4 Subjects- Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry.

Interswitch SPAK 2023 Exam Date

InterswitchSPAK National Science InterswitchSPAK National Science Competition 5.0 for secondary school students in Nigeria is now on!

Registration of your students is open till 11:59pm, June 16th, 2022 and it’s free. Schools are now allowed to register up to Ten (10) SS2 Science Students.

You don’t need to travel to write the qualifying examination. The Examination is fully online and can be written in your school, home or any convenient space. You have a choice of three (3) days to pick from (between 8am -6pm) to write the examination.

25 thoughts on “Interswitch SPAK Syllabus February, 2025– Complete Exam Guide- 360trendic”

      1. Olayinka Abdulrahman

        The question is the much and , are the questions for qualifying rounds only or the TV show questions is included

  1. Olayinka Abdulrahman

    The question is the much and , are the questions for qualifying rounds only or the TV show questions is included

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