How do you create an effective ad on Kijiji?

While some ADS get very low clicks on Kijiji, others get a high number of clicks with zero conversions.
Whatever the problem is, this post reveals working strategies to give your next Kijiji ad massive results.

Did you know that Kijiji receives an average of 50 million visits monthly?

With this huge amount of traffic, Kijiji is home to over 6 million live listings, with two more being posted every second.

Below are vital tips for making your Kijiji ads Productive.

  1. Make no mistake with ImagesImages seem very basic and are sometimes neglected. The truth is, the most important part of your ad is the image and you’ll need an image that can grasp buyers’ attention. Before anyone reads your texts, he must be attracted to your images first. Here are 2 mistakes people ignorantly make when using images.Displaying downloaded/ stock images: In as much as these images are high quality and usually appear attractive, they don’t reveal authenticity. A lot of times, people have ordered stuff after seeing such images and received junk on delivery. You might want to snap the original images of your item instead. This quickly draws the viewer’s attention and encourages him to click.Use of low quality or blurry images: You’re competing with others so stand out. Low-quality or blurry images also misrepresent you.No matter how good your products may be, bad images write you off.What should you do instead?Take nice images with proper lighting: Outdoor images are preferable; although with proper lighting, images taken indoors can be used too.Place as many images as necessary: If you’re advertising a car, for instance, you can take images of the front, interior, and rear. Although an image showing the complete car should be the main image. This helps the viewer get a quick glimpse of your entire product. Too many images may also be a problem, so create a balance.A little bit of text won’t hurt: You may also want to add a little bit of text when necessary. Not all images require text, but some do. To understand what to do at each given time, simply check out similar top-performing ads and see how they are structured.
  2. Your HeadlineKijiji gives very limited space for lengthy headlines. You’d therefore want to choose headlines that are very short yet comprehensive. They should be concise but precise. Headlines are more neglected than images, but prove to be of almost equal importance.Some ads with good images get high impressions but extremely low clicks. This is proof of poor headlines. It’s very important you take a brief survey on how to generate headlines for a good ad. Copywriting YouTube videos can also help.In summary, no matter how good your offer is people won’t know until they click. With poor headlines, buyers won’t click and therefore won’t know how good your offer is.
  3. Create a Comprehensive descriptionIs the item new or used? What are the specifications? No matter how basic your ads are, make sure you include every valuable detail. This arouses buyers’ interest. They may not read the entire description but they’ll surely be convinced.
  4. Be very mindful of PricingPlatforms like eBay and Amazon are also used in Canada. Most people who visit Kijiji, hope to get items at discounted rates. Over-pricing will surely put them away. Under-pricing may also make them feel your products are counterfeit. You’ll therefore want to create a balance.
  5. Previous Reviews are highly essentialAccording to a study by Bazaarvoice network, product reviews can result in a 40% increase in sales. More customers are likely to buy from sellers with reviews.Get genuine previous reviews from previous orders, if you haven’t made any orders yet, you might want to make your first sale. Convince people who have patronized your service to leave a positive comment about you.
    Note: Be authentic and genuine- Buyers always have a way to tell if you’re lying.
  6. Learn from other adsDo a quick survey on Kijiji and social media. The best-performing ads on these platforms always have something to teach. What kind of images, texts, and headlines are used? The more ads you view, the more creative you become.
  7. Sell Captivating ItemsDo people really need your item? Ask yourself that question. You surely want to put items that are in high demand up for sale. Make sure your product will go a long way to solve your buyer’s needs. Let your buyers yearn for your products.
  8. Share on Social MediaKijiji includes an easy option to post Kijiji Ads on Facebook. Simply Go to an Ad, put your mouse over “Share” and then choose “Post to Facebook”. This helps improve your reach, more friends and family can get to see what you have for sale on Kijiji.
  9. Include as many details about yourself as possible
  10. Lastly, never scam people, else you kill their trust and also risk being expelled from the platform. You may also face legal consequences if caught.
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With these tips in place, your next ad will surely be a bomb.

As a seller, it’s important to be careful on Kijiji, some basic tips are below.

Always Meet in person: Do not accept to send the items over to the person without receiving payments. If the person is hesitant to meet you locally or insists on sending a third party to make the purchase, it’s best to say no. Meeting face to face is the best way to ensure a hitch-free, successful transaction.

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There are lots of buyers on Kijiji: If you feel any potential buyer is hesitating to meet up or trying to direct you to do something unusual, stop communicating. You may also consider reading Kijiji policies to help you stay safe on the Kijiji platform.