Promasidor Suspends 2021 Cowbellpedia Secondary School Mathematics Tv Quiz Show/ CowbellOurMilk Quiz Competition Registration and Examination Exercise Indefinitely.(Cowbellpedia will not hold in 2021)
Information received confirms that the Promasidor producers of Cowbell Our Milk and proud Sponsor of the COWBELLPEDIA Secondary School Mathematics Tv Quiz Show has suspended the registration and activities of the competition for the Year 2021.
The 2021 Cowbellpedia Mathematics TV Quiz online registration exercise which commenced on 1st January, 2021 only lasted for a week before the registration portal was closed without prior notice to schools, students, teachers, individual candidates and the general public.
As days went by and weeks into months there was no valid information or announcement from the organizers of the show stating the reasons for the sudden suspension of registration exercise leaving the public in a state of confusion. (360trendic Host) later received an information from one of the Schools who were fortunate to have registered before the portal was shut down that the competition sponsorship have been withdrawn by Promasidor with immediate effect as text messages were sent to Schools and candidates who already registered within that one week frame.
Below is an excerpt of the text message been dispatched to registered schools phone number.
‘Please, be informed that COWBELLPEDIA has been suspended by PROMASIDOR, the sponsor of the competition with immediate effect. Regrets.
Due to the rise in questions and inquiries from candidates, teachers and schools on the sudden suspension of the 2020/2021 Cowbellpedia registration exercise, Promassidor issued a notice via the Cowbellmilk official Facebook Page giving reasons that the suspension was necessary in-order for the competition to be revamped(re-strategized).
Below is the announcement been posted on the Cowbell Milk Official Facebook Page
‘To all our Cowbellpedia fans, The 2020 Cowbellpedia Secondary School TV Quiz Show is currently being revamped to give you a better experience. In the meantime, you can visit our YouTube page to catch up on all previous episodes here — > .Thanks for your patience.’
The Big question rising now is Will the Competition still hold this year 2021 and other years to come? well thats not clear to us either, because the reason for the actual suspension was not made public.
Save this page and keep checking back we will update you as soon as we receive any valid information.
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