Facebook-owned WhatsApp is always up to something, and now the chat app has added a new feature that lets you make custom stickers on the web. It’s a new way to express yourself with your friends and loved ones that sounds pretty nifty and easy to use.

Using the WhatsApp web app, you can use images from your computer to create custom stickers. It’s easy enough to use, so you don’t need to have any advanced graphic design skills to make nice-looking stickers.

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To use the feature, go to WhatsApp on the web, then click the paperclip icon. From there, click “Sticker,” then pick an image to upload. Next, you can click an image’s subject to cut out the background, and it’ll remove it automatically. From there, you can put Emoji, text, and other stickers on your custom one. You can also crop the image, though it’ll always be a square.

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For now, the new feature is coming to the web app, but it’ll come to the desktop version of WhatsApp in the next week. Perhaps it’ll come to the mobile version at some point, but WhatsApp hasn’t officially announced that the custom sticker feature will make its way to small screens.