

Some may see practicing self-love as a luxury they can’t afford, but I say it’s the only way to fall in love by taking care of yourself being the best version you can be.

Life gets so hectic that you forget to stop and breathe.

You don’t have time to cultivate a much-needed mind-body-soul connection, but it’s time to put your needs first, love yourself and promote your own well-being for a change.

You’re a human being, not a machine. By always taking care of others and being at their disposal, you are neglecting your deeply needed time!

When was the last time you did anything for yourself? If you don’t remember, it’s been a long time!

By learning to be your best friend, you will be better equipped to take care of the people who depend on you, such as your children.

People often leave their big proclamations and decisions for the new year, but if you keep departing your journey to happiness, eventually you will be exhausted.

For the sake of you and your favorite people, it’s time to follow a path of deep healing. Create a positive mindset that will help you understand that your needs are just as important as anyone else’s.

Why is that? Because nurturing your mind, body and soul is not a luxury – it is a necessity.

See also: Why do you love me? Over 120 lovely ways to answer this question

13 ways to start making self-care a priority


Rear view photo of woman in towel with flowers and candles and window near her

Having a family, a busy working life, or completing your course means that you rarely leave time just for your own needs. But if you keep looking at it that way – it’s never the right time to put yourself first.

Here’s the trick. No matter what you have on your plate today, decide that between 1 pm and 2 pm is strictly time for me!

Leave what you’re doing and take a break. Take a walk, send a message to your best friend, or take to social media to see what Zara has again!

Shake off all the stress of the day and put a smile on your face. There will always be more important things than putting yourself first.

But if you choose to end it, it can become a good routine that will allow you to breathe, relax, relieve yourself of any anxiety and do whatever you want.

The world won’t fall apart if you take an hour for yourself. Your family won’t fall apart if you take a short break to recharge.

The sooner you realize that you can’t always function in beast mode for everyone, less for yourself, the sooner you’ll find peace and inner joy.


Calm woman in lotus pose after waking up in the morning

Recent studies show that doing this regularly helps improve your mental health, your well-being and successfully combats accumulated stress.

Practicing positive affirmations shifts your focus from your negative dispositions to a more positive perspective. In any darkness, there is some bright light, you just need to want to find it.

Eliminate your negative thoughts at the root with these positively inspiring daily affirmations:

If you have good thoughts, they will shine on your face like rays of sunshine, and you will always look beautiful. – Roald Dahl

Am I good enough? Yes, I am. -Michelle Obama

We don’t need magic to transform our world. We’ve already carried all the power we need within ourselves. J. K. Rowling

Your life is already a miracle of chance waiting for you to shape your destiny. – Tony Morrison

We must be willing to abandon the life we plan to have the life that is waiting for us. – Joseph Campbell

The only courage you need is the courage to realize the dreams of your own life. Oprah

Your crown was bought and paid for. Put it on your head and use it. – Maya Angelou

When life brings you down or when you’re yourself, remember that. Write them down and they can serve as a list of things that will propel you every day of the week.

That way, you won’t allow yourself to be negative or deprive yourself of self-love. These are your reminders that you are important.

See also: How to be mature? 18 tips to help you increase your maturity levels


Infinity pool near the beach with a distant woman raising her hands

You spend a lot of time at home, taking care of daily tasks and meeting everyone’s needs. This leaves you with little or no time for some much-needed trips, even if to a nearby place.

The idea of leaving (even for a day or two) is to recharge, recover and focus on your mental health.

I understand that scheduling a trip at this point may seem a little out of reach, but is it?

I’m suggesting you consider taking the next weekend off, taking your best friend, and spending quality time reconnecting and pampering yourself.

Your kids will survive two days with their father (who always has grandma’s service) and their work doesn’t matter on weekends!

Stop making excuses about why you shouldn’t and start telling yourself all the reasons why you should!

This will increase your morale, change your entire negative focus and create an abundance of positive memories that will contribute to your overall well-being and happiness.


Cute dog near woman in bed sleeping with wooden bedhead

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but the amount of sleep you sleep each night predetermines how you will handle your hectic day.

Sleep affects you physically and emotionally. And the stress you go through during the day, as well as the constant demands of your time, affect your sleep schedule.

Do you see the endless circle? To ensure a good night’s sleep, create a routine and try to stick to it every night.

This means not forgetting your nightly skincare routine, dispensing sugar and caffeine before going to bed, and practicing positive thoughts, rather than harboring negative thoughts.

If work is causing unnecessary stress, find a way to get rid of it when the day comes to an end.

Deal with this during the day, so you know when night comes, it’s time to follow your routine that will help you focus and find some serenity.

Nights should be your sacred moment when you create a Zen atmosphere and get rid of all the negative distractions of the day.


Young female on mat inside a gym

We all know how much exercise can do for our bodies. But did you know that it affects you remarkably in other ways as well?

Exercise boosts the immune system, relieves stress, anxiety, and worries, and significantly improves mood while making it healthier every day!

This will not only help you lose weight (if that’s your goal, of course), but it will also significantly improve the quality of your life.

Exercise doesn’t always need to include academia, because we all know how expensive associations can be. Instead, go hiking, run with your friends, or take a hobby that allows you to be active!

You won’t believe how stress-free your life will soon be and how it will be easier to handle everyone’s business.

Exercise will bring you nothing but good positive vibes and a welcome change to your lifestyle that you didn’t know you needed (until now).

See also: What does love mean? Everything you need to know about this magical emotion


Adult woman eating berry in a fluffy white bowl with fruit nearby in broad daylight

I’ve always struggled with my diet. I’m not necessarily overweight, but I’m far from my ideal weight.

I used to have a very healthy body that I didn’t appreciate. I always believed I was too fat, but I couldn’t be more wrong.

Now that I’ve gained more weight than I’d like to admit, I’ve finally forced myself to eat right.

Some changes needed to be made, and if I wanted to be happy inside, it had to be done.

It was difficult at first, but now, after a few weeks of healthy eating, I noticed some amazing changes and also lost a few uncomfortable pounds.

Some delicious but nutritious foods will ensure that you eat healthily, and tastes great.

You just need to make an effort to take the first step to wanting to make a change. And as soon as you do that, you’re going to fall in love with taking care of yourself.

Once you get healthy, there’s no turning back!


Woman refusing to raise her hand wearing white blouse

It’s really hard for people to learn to just say no when they’re being asked to do something they don’t want to do.

But to put yourself first, it’s crucial to get rid of energy vampires and refuse to do something when you’re overwhelmed, stressed and unwilling.

Always saying yes can lead to a depletion that will deteriorate your progress on your journey of self-care.

It will take some getting used to, but when you get the hang of politely refusing to be taken advantage of, you’ll start to feel more empowered.

You are not obliged to be available to anyone. You have every right to do things that contribute to your well-being.

If you are being asked to go against your inner voice, feel free to say no. Your gut will tell you when someone crosses a line. You know what to do when that happens.


Woman on mountain peak with fog wearing jacket and carrying backpack

Taking some fresh air and being one with Mother Nature makes all the difference!

Spending some time outdoors (even 15 minutes) reduces your stress levels and helps you be more attentive to your surroundings.

And when you combine some time in nature with some physical activity, you know it’s going to be SO good.

Take a walk through the forest, take a run alone, put on a song and motivate yourself to go as far as you can.

Breathe in this fresh air as much as your daily schedule allows, as I know you’re probably restricted to four walls most of the day.

Any chance you have to leave – enjoy. It is a natural energy booster that you should never take for granted.

See also: Marriage goals: 15 main things all couples should focus on


Woman playing with dog wearing a floral dress sitting

Having a pet can improve your endless life. I have had my dog for exactly three years and my life has been saved in many ways.

Before adopting it (my dog’s name is Tia), I couldn’t handle stress very well. Things were bad for a long time, and there was always something wrong with my life. (True story.)

But once she came into my life, it was like everything has a new purpose. I had no idea how kind, attentive, intelligent, and loving this being could help me get well again.

Dogs are known to help their humans cope with stress as they can feel when you are depressed and immediately start caring.

They’re your best friends and you’re their whole world. The love you get from a dog is something you can’t understand until you get one.

Playing with your dog, taking him for a walk, and simply hugging him will do wonders for your mind, body, and soul. I promise I promise.


Man and woman in lake hugging and playing

When you spend a lot of time taking care of others, it becomes kind of a norm. This makes you very bad at accepting compliments because you feel it’s your duty in some way.

But not that. This is your own free will and your kind heart at work. You are selfless, humble, grateful, and full of compassion. Let yourself be loved by it!

Let your spouse express their love without feeling that you do not deserve it. Let your best friend tell you why she loves you so much. You deserve this!

Let your children love you in special and goofy ways. You’re a rock star in their eyes!

Don’t shut people up when they’re complimenting you your way. Embrace them, accept them and enjoy them.

You’re well worth every kind word you hear. It’s not easy being the right person for everyone. So when your efforts and time are appreciated – pat it on the back.

When you learn to appreciate yourself for all the amazing things you do, it will affect others as well. Take care of your mind and you will learn never to neglect it again.


Women wearing masks at a party holding wine glasses

No, it’s not a selfish notion to think about going to a club, dancing to your feet hurting, and regretting everything in the morning (but not really).

No, that doesn’t mean you’re neglecting your spouse or your children. It’s taking a very necessary time to explore your individuality and just be happy in the moment.

People who understand that life does not stop the moment they settle down, form a family and become responsible adults, lead a better life.

Remember, you are the creator of your happiness. You shape it with your thoughts and actions. You can choose to do something for yourself or you can choose to continue taking your joy.

Live a little! Get out of your rut and dance your butt! It will improve your mood and ability to deal with what tomorrow brings exponentially.

Stop harboring negative and troubling thoughts. You have tomorrow to deal with whatever it takes.

Today, put on your best clothes, love yourself to the fullest, and just decide to laugh all night long.

See also: 120 inspirational quotes and proverbs to keep your head up


5 women in white dress dancing under grey sky during sunset

Have you ever wanted to start dancing? Maybe you always wanted to secretly learn how to tango and surprise your partner! Well, why not?

If not now, when? When you’re old and gray? Take every opportunity you have to show yourself some love. Do what ignites your soul.

If it’s tango, so be it! But there are so many possibilities out there. You can take piano lessons, learn to box (yes!), or climb. What’s stopping you?

You’re the only one in your way. Dare to do what you believed you couldn’t, cross your boundaries, and challenge yourself to do the things that scare you.

Only then will you see what is done. And my gut says you’ll be very impressed!

Doing something that makes you happy (which you don’t need to share with anyone) will help you fall in love by taking care of yourself.

The sooner you do this, the sooner your life will take a whole new turn for the better.


three volunteer people in blue shirt with the word voluntary

Volunteering is an incredible and selfless way of giving back that will undoubtedly greatly affect the way you see yourself and the world around you.

Giving back is nourishing the soul, and let’s be honest – if everyone decided to do it at least once or twice a month, think about the difference it would make!

You certainly can’t change the world, but you can change the mark you leave on it.

Volunteering will humiliate you, sadden you, completely change your priorities and make you see how short, fragile and unfair life can be.

In turn, you can start taking better care of yourself, after seeing so many whose lives have changed quickly for the worse.

Allow yourself this humiliating experience and your soul will be grateful. I have volunteered for some time at an animal shelter and it has been a deeply beautiful experience.

It takes so little to make someone’s life better. The same goes for treating your precious self.

Give yourself the same love you give others because you never really know what life holds for tomorrow.


Woman making hand heart sign with setting sun captured inside hand sign

And practice it every day. Choose self-care, and being there for others will become a breeze. Fall in love with taking care of yourself and you will never settle for less.

Being attentive to yourself and your needs is the way to become the best version of yourself and attract positivity and good vibes in the process.

If you want to be a good partner, you need to love yourself first. If you want to be a good parent, you first need to take care of your mind and your body.

Can you see the pattern now? It all starts with your relationship with yourself.

Once you realize that you are your longest commitment (so your number one priority), being kind to yourself will become the norm.

Preserving your mental, emotional and physical well-being is the key to your mind-body-soul connection. Feed them wisely and their productivity rates will be off the charts.

Prioritize your well-being over any tasks, supplications, and hassles that aren’t your concern. Your mental health journey is important and you have the power to see it.

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