National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Correct Dress Code for Corps Members in Orientation Camps and Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) Nationwide | See NYSC Approved and UN-Approved Dress Code for all Corps Members in Orientation Camps and Other Places.
The Management of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has warned all corps members to always abide by the rules and regulations guiding the scheme in terms of the correct dress code.
All Corps members are expected to be in their correct dress code at all times be it the orientation camps or place of primary deployment or assignment (PPA).
The Director-General, National Youth Service Corps Scheme notes with great concern the negative perception of the Scheme’s dress code, arising mostly from some Corps Members’ disobedience to the dictates of the code.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Scheme has maintained one dress code since 22nd May 1973 it was established, devoid of ethnic, religious, or gender bias.
The dress code remains, depending on the activity: a pair of khaki trousers and shirt; crested vest; white vest; a pair of white shorts; a pair of zebra-striped socks; a pair of jungle boots; a pair of canvas; belt and fez cap.
It is imperative to state that the National Youth Service Corps Camp, predicated on discipline and decency is a training ground for Corps Members. Any other dress code, contrary to the officially sanctioned one will not promote the course of decency.
For instance, it will be utterly reprehensible for a female Corps Member to embark on obstacle crossing, and so many other physical training activities on camp, including a parade in skirt or gown, which obviously will expose her indecently, thus, leaving little or nothing to the imagination.
The Management observed with dismay the defacing of the NYSC uniform by some Corps Members by reshaping their khaki trousers, making them skin – tight which unduly exposes their curvatures, particularly the female Corps Members. Some others in the name of religion turn the pair of trousers issued to them into skirts.
The Scheme, therefore, considers the unwholesome act an affront to decency on one hand, as well as constituted authority on the other. It was for that reason that the Scheme came up with the policy of having prospective Corps Members sign an undertaking form to the effect that they will not deface the NYSC uniform, but abide by the dress code of the Corps.
It is apt to state that NYSC does not issue hijab as part of the dress code. Rather, the Scheme permits the use of white hijab which must not be more than shoulder length and must be tucked into the uniform. The policy of allowing hijab which does not deface the NYSC uniform is not new as it has been there.
The National Youth Service Corps wishes to assure Nigerians and place on record that it will continue to be single-minded in pursuit of its core mandate of achieving a united, integrated, egalitarian, and hate-free nation. It shall never do anything untoward to undermine or abridge gratuitously the rights of individuals or institutions based on parochial considerations.
NYSC Correct Dress Code for Corps Members
Below is a snapshot of the Approved and UN-Approved Dress Code as posted by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

Every corp member is expected to dress in a particular way depending on the occasion. The dress code in National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) camp is different so is another occasion.
Failure to adhere strictly to the dress code can lead to disciplinary measures. Such corp members can be summoned to face the camp or state NYSC court. Guilty members are sanctioned based on the level of crime. It can lead to decamping.
NYSC Orientation Camp Dress Code
Immediately you get to the camp with your color clothing, you will have to change it to the official camp wear. That is of course after you have been given the wears.
The camp official wear is white shorts and a T-shirt with white NYSC socks and white table tennis shoes or jungle boots. You are also required to put on your NYSC state tag at all times with a cardholder around your neck. The NYSC cap is compulsory and is to be worn facing front.
You wear this everywhere. To parade, kitchen, camp market (Mami), to your duty post, and even to your room.
NYSC Swearing-In Ceremony Dress Code:
The swearing-in ceremony for corp members is on day three of camping. The dress code is the NYSC ceremonial wear is tag 6/7. That means you are expected to put on 6 out of 7 NYSC complete uniforms.
They are the NYSC cap, crested vest, NYSC belt, khaki trouser, NYSC sock, and jungle boot. Seventh wear which is the khaki shirt is not needed.
NYSC Man-O-War Ground Dress Code:
The Man-O-War day comprises activities that require physical strength. Life challenges in the form of man-made barriers are scattered in the Man-O-War ground for corp members to scale through. That is the only day corp members are expected to wear the complete 7/7. It is the only official time you can turn the cap facing backward. This is because if left facing front can lead to distraction.
NYSC Camp Social Activities Dress Code:
Throughout the camp period, there will be several social games organized by camp officials where corp members from each platoon compete for a prize. Some of these programs may require the use of foreign attires. Participating corp members can apply to the camp director through the platoon inspector to get these attires outside to use in camp. These days are free for those participating. However, carnival night is where every corp member can put on anything foreign attire of their choice as dictated by their platoon heads.
NYSC Religious Wears In Camp (Dress Code)
Some time ago, corp members can put on mufti to a religious gathering. However, the new law now is any of the NYSC camp dressing. Muslim sisters, are allowed to use a shoulder-level white hijab. The hijab is not part of the camp kit provided to corp members. That means they are to bring it to camp.
NYSC Passing Out Of Camp Day (POP) Dress Code:
This is another official day for corp members. They are leaving camp to their various place of primary assignment (PPA). Their complete dress code is 6/7
NYSC Community Development Service Days (CDS) Dress Code:
CDS days are held once a week at NYSC Secretariat. It is expected that every corp member coming for CDS must put on a dress code befitting of the program.
The best dress code is 6/7 but instead of the crested vest, you are to use a white T-shirt. However, a little deviation from it is allowed. That is an NYSC cap, a white T-shirt, NYSC belt, khaki trousers, a white sock, and a white shoe. Jungle boot is also allowed. Anything short of that is not allowed. Earphones, wrappers for tying children may be forbidden depending on the CDS.
NYSC Skill Acquisitions And Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) Dress Code:
The SAED program is a work schedule for corp members to gain practical experience in any field they choose. There is no dress code to SAED. However, it is good to go with at least a means of identification on you. It is good to use any of the NYSC marked wear such as the jungle boot, cap, or table tennis shoes. But no matter where you go, always carry your NYSC identity card.
NYSC Place Of Primary Assignment (PPA) Dress Code
Most PPA has flexible dress code for corp members. But some clothing may be out of place. This depends on the strong religious affiliation of the person in charge. However, no PPA frowned at the NYSC uniform.
NYSC Winding Up And Passing Out Parade (POP) Dress Code:
This is the last day for serving corp members. As expected, this is an official NYSC ceremony and so corp members are supposed to be on their ceremonial wear. The 6/7 wear is still the official dress code.
NYSC Unofficial Outing Dress Code:
During the service year, corp members can wear anything they feel like to social gatherings, church, etc. However, for security measures, it is expected to always be with the NYSC identification card at all times. You can always bring it out for law enforcement agencies. It is also advised to carry your NYSC cap wherever you go. Put it on for means of identification in rowdy places that may threaten your peace.
Note that the white T-shirt or crested best must be tuck-in at all times. The khaki should go into the socks and if possible padded. You can buy the pad if you want to.
After this day, you become an ex-cop member. After passing out and getting home, you are not expected to wear any of the 7/7 single or in pair. However, you can still use white shorts and a -shirt.