National Teachers Institute [NTI] National Certificate Examinations NCE (DLS) Second (2nd) Semester Final Examination Time-Table for 2020/2021 Academic Session [Download in PDF].
The National Teachers Institute, NTI has published the National Certificate Examination [NCE] Second Semester Time-Table for the 2020/2021 Session.
According to the Examination Time-Table, Examinations are expected to commence on Friday 25th March 2022 and end on Tuesday 12th April 2022.
The Time-Table has been uploaded online and can be downloaded in PDF.
NTI NCE (DLS) 2nd Semester Examination Time-Table 2020/2021
- Use separate answer booklets for GSE and PED Courses
- All CARRY OVER scripts must be packed separately
- Question paper TIMING supersedes that of the TIME TABLE
- Both ISS 221, 222, 223, ISS/IRS 246, 249, 247,263, ISS\ IRS 366,367,388,369 and ISS/IRS 466, 475,467are for
- REGULAR AND Carry Over were printed on the same paper, Students are to use the appropriate course code
Good luck to all Students!!!
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