Keeping a schedule is a surefire way of ensuring you’re never late for a meeting. With Zoom, you can schedule a one-time or recurring video call and have it sent to everyone’s calendars. Here’s how to schedule a Zoom meeting.

First things first, go ahead and download the Zoom application on your Windows 10 PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Android smartphone. Once installed, open the Zoom app and log in to your account.

Next, on the Home page, select the “Schedule” button.

Schedule meeting button on home page of Zoom

The Schedule Meeting window will appear. You’ll have a lot of meeting options here to go through. Here’s what you need to do.

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Start by setting the time, date, duration, and name of the meeting. If this will be a recurring meeting, check the box next to the “Recurring Meeting” listing. Also, be sure to take note of the Time Zone in the bottom-right corner of this section.

Set meeting time and date

Next, set the “Meeting ID.” Due to security issues, we recommend only using your Meeting ID for personal meetings. If this is a business meeting, leave “Generate Automatically” selected. Be sure to require a meeting password for an additional layer of protection.

Meeting ID and password options

Now for the video and audio settings. These options allow you to set the host’s and participant’s video to be on or off when they join the meeting and the communication method (telephone, computer audio, or both).

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audio and video settings

Select if you’d like to send the meeting invite and reminder to Outlook, Google Calendar, or a different calendar platform.

calendar options

Finally, there are a few advanced options you can choose from that should make your video conference more secure. To open the Advanced Options menu, click the arrow next to “Advanced Options.”

arrow next to advanced options

To make Zoom more secure, we recommend checking these settings:

  • Enable waiting room
  • Mute participants on entry
  • Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom
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And disabling this setting:

You can also decide if you want to automatically record the meeting and even add an alternative host. An alternative host has the same in-meeting permissions as the host. The significant difference between an alternative host and a co-host is that an alternative host can start a scheduled meeting where a co-host can’t.

Advanced options and alternative host option

Once you’re finished tweaking the settings to your liking, select the “Schedule” button in the bottom-right corner of the window.

Schedule meeting button

Your Zoom meeting is now scheduled, and the information will be sent to your selected calendar.