We often have to create to-dos from WhatsApp texts. It could be your partner messaging you to buy groceries or your colleague following up on a project. But you don’t have to leave WhatsApp anymore to update your to-do list. With Any. Do, it’s as simple as forwarding a message.

Any. Do offers a WhatsApp bot that reminds you of your upcoming tasks, and lets you add new ones right from the messaging app. It’s only available for users who have subscribed to the $2.99/month premium plan, however. Here’s how to set it up.

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To enable the WhatsApp service, head over to Any. Do’s a web app. Next, click the gear icon in the top-right corner to reveal a dropdown menu.

Open Any.Do settings

Select “Integrations” and then click “WhatsApp Reminders.”

Set up Any.Do WhatsApp bot

Type in your WhatsApp-connected phone number.

Type in your WhatsApp-connected phone number.

Any. Do will send you a two-factor authentication SMS. Enter that to verify the connection.

Verify Any.Do WhatsApp bot

That’s it. On WhatsApp, you will immediately receive a confirmation text from the Any. Do bot.

To create a new task in your Any. Do account on WhatsApp, all you need to do is ping the bot. For instance, open the WhatsApp app on your iPhone, Android, or the web and then send “Get groceries.” The bot will automatically append a to-do with the text as the title in your default Any.Do list.

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Add Any.Do Tasks From WhatsApp

The Any.Do bot also understands natural language input for due dates. Therefore, instead of typing up a specific time, you can tell it to remind you of a task say next week or tomorrow.

Add Any.Do tasks from WhatsApp with natural language

Alternatively, if you’re looking to add a task out of an incoming text, you don’t have to type anything at all. You can just forward messages to the Any.Do chat to turn them into to-dos.

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The Any.Do WhatsApp bot can even notify you when a task is due. But in case you find this redundant since you might already have other app notifications enabled, you have the option to switch it off.

To do that, visit the Any.Do website and navigate to the gear icon menu > Integrations > WhatsApp Reminders. Click the “Off” button.

Here, you can also disconnect Any.Do from your WhatsApp account by selecting the “Disconnect” button.