If you’re hosting a meeting in Zoom but need to leave early due to unforeseen circumstances, you can pass off the host privileges to another member instead of ending the meeting. Here’s how.

Before we get started, there’s an important limitation you’ll need to be aware of. Zoom has a free version for all to use, but it also offers a couple of packages for businesses.

In the case of passing host controls to another user, if the original host is a licensed user, then the meeting can continue for an unlimited amount of time once the controls are handed off, even if the user who received the host controls is a free user. However, if the original host is a free user, the meeting will be limited to 40 minutes after the controls are passed—even if the new host is a licensed user.

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Now that we’ve cleared that up, here’s how the host can pass the torch.

First, you (as the host) need to set up the Zoom meeting. You can do this by opening the Zoom app and selecting the “New Meeting” button from the home screen. Next, invite the participants to join the

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 meeting. You can do this by selecting “Invite” at the bottom of the window.

Once the meeting is set up and all participants have joined, select the “Manage Participants” option at the bottom of the window where the video conference is being held.

Manage participants

Alternatively, press Alt+U (Windows) or Command+U (Mac).

The list of participants will appear in the right pane. Hover over the name of the participant you’re passing host controls to and then select the “More” button.

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More options

In the menu that appears, click the “Make Host” option.

Make host option in menu

A message will appear asking if you’re sure you’d like to change the host to <participant’s name>. Select “Yes.”

Confirmation window

In the pane showing the participants, you can now see the host controls have been passed to that user. The original host can now safely leave the meeting without interrupting the video conference.

New host