

Tag: short new year wishes

100 Funny New Year Wishes and Messages for Loved Ones

Funny New Year Wishes: The New Year is fast approaching. It is almost upon us. How did you celebrate the last New Year? Did you make your loved ones feel special in a hilarious?

100 Funny New Year Wishes and Messages for Love Ones

In this article, you shall read some amazingly hilarious New Year’s wishes and messages. Also, you may learn from them how to come up with a funny New Year message. 

100 Funny New Year Wishes

  1. New years are like restart buttons. You think you can push the button and start things all over again but then realize your life is too messed up to be restarted fresh!
  2. Sorry for all the annoying behavior I did throughout the year. Also, May you give me another chance to do that the next New Year!
  3. A new year doesn’t come to change your life. Meanwhile, it comes to remind you that one more year has gone and you’re still the same useless moron who thinks he can make his resolutions come true!
  4. I hope growing up is not included in your resolution this year. Let’s just live it like the old ones and we can grow up in some other years. Happy New Year 2022, partner!
  5. No resolution for the New Year, as I like my love in the state it is- criticizing and annoying you will go to the high range!
  6. May this upcoming year bring change to you – not just all your old habits wrapped in a new package. Oh, God! Happy New year, anyway.
  7. I wish even your amount of success comes on my account and I can be more successful than you in this upcoming year. Happy New Year.
  8. Happy New Year! This year may finally realize that real fun in life comes from real people, not from virtual ones. Have a great year!
  9. If all the heartbreaks and troubles from the last year didn’t make you strong, let me wish you one more year full of agony and tears. Also, I want you to be stronger. Happy New Year!
  10. Here’s a New Year’s wish from a wise fellow asking you to donate more of your wealth so it can be spent by the right hands. Happy New Year!
  11. Though I wish you a very happy New Year but remember you still have the same old husband!
  12. Happy New Year! How’d it been if instead of bringing happiness, joy, and peace, New Year’s brought cash, fame, and champagne?
  13. I was going to quit all my bad habits for the New Year, but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.
  14. May this New Year bring you more problems, more tears, and more pains. Don’t get me wrong. I just want you to be a stronger person.
  15. It’s a new year once again, and it’s the same old life you’re living once again. What is there to celebrate?
  16. New years are like pages in a book that are so boring. You always think that the next page will be interesting, but it turns out to be the same every time. Happy New Year!
  17. I’m so excited for the New Year. Unfortunately, I don’t have any resolutions to make since I’m already perfect.
  18. Life is short and every New Year makes it even shorter. Happy New Year! You just waved goodbye to one more year of your short life!
  19. A new year doesn’t stop the ghosts of your past mistake from coming back to haunt you. So, if you think you’re over it, you’re wrong. Happy New Year!
  20. The funniest part of a new year is making new resolutions. I am pretty sure you have one too. Let me know about your resolution and I’ll try not to laugh as I did the last year.
  21. Here’s a New Year’s wish for you before the network gets jammed. I hope you’re having great fun. Wishing you a successful year ahead!
  22. God is kind enough to give you a new year, but not so kind to give you a new life. Happy New Year 2020!
  23. May you become smart enough to realize that resolutions don’t come true and wise enough to know that the difference between a new year and an old year is 1 minute past midnight.
  24. New Year’s is the time to forget all your fears, drink a few beers, and leave behind all your tears!
  25. May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.
  26. All I wish is to get drunk and dance with you all night long on this 31st night, Happy New Year!
  27. Wishing you a successful 12 months, Joyful 52 weeks, lovely 365 days, a memorable 8760 hours, blessings of 525600 minutes, and the happiest 31536000 seconds. Happy New Year!
  28. The most fun part about making New Year’s resolutions is breaking New Year’s resolutions. Can’t wait to mess up with you.
  29. I hope this year ends up with your smiling selfie to see on the Facebook posts. Wish you a bright and joyful New Year!
  30. If you were born in September, it is better to assume that your parents started their new year successfully.
  31. I saved you from spending a fortune on a New Year’s party – I sent you an invitation for an online party!
  32. Listen, I don’t want to end this year on bad terms with anyone. So, apologize to me till you have your chance. Happy New Year.
  33. I hope this New Year brings you joy and happiness because oh lord you look so ugly when you end up crying. I don’t want to witness that ever again.
  34. Happy New Year! I can save you from spending a good amount of fortune on New Year’s Eve. So, what’s in it for me? Spill. Or else you are going to suffer so much.
  35. Happy New Year! Spoiler alert–it’s going to feel the same.
  36. Before I get drunk, dance at the bar, lose my phone, get naked and get arrested, Let me wish you a Happy New Year.
  37. This Year may your hair and teeth, your face-lift, abs, and stocks not fall, may your blood pressure, your cholesterol, white blood count, and mortgage interest not rise. Happy New Year!
  38. Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Aishwarya Rai, Salman Khan, Jennifer Lopez, Amitabh Bachchan, and Me. All the stars wish you a very happy new year.
  39. If I had done you wrong, I am sorry. May you still give me a chance this New Year to do it over and over again. Happy New Year!
  40. My new year’s resolution is 1920 x 1080.
  41. I’m gonna order a pizza five minutes before the new year and when they arrive I will say I ordered this a year ago, lol.
  42.          Happy New Year companion. I hope you saved some champagne because I’m going to require some drinks all year.
  43. To my friends, I wish for peace, love, and health. Blah, Blah… screw that. I wish you lots of sex, booze, and orgasms and hope you win the lotto. Happy New Year!

    100 Funny New Year Wishes and Messages for Love Ones
  44. As the clock strikes twelve, may you have the stamina to wish all of your in-numerous Facebook Friends a Happy New Year?
  45. This New Year, be at peace with your appearance, you are perfectly in shape – round is a shape in geometry!
  46. It satisfies your mind, body, & soul! Do it on the bed, on a sofa, in the car, or anywhere! It’s called Prayer! God bless your naughty mind. Happy new year!
  47. I wish your dog becomes intelligent to wash muddy legs before running on carpets this year. Happy New Year!
  48. They say pain and tears help one be stronger, So I am wishing you more tears and pain. For you to become even stronger than last year. Happy New Year! However, As you turn a new leaf into your Book of Life with New Year, here wishes you the addition of meaningful chapters. Happy New Year!
  49. My New Year resolves to eat less so that I can be sexier. But whenever I see your fat body, I guess I am already successful with my resolution so I won’t do it anymore. Happy New Year to you!
  50. May this New Year bring an actual change to you – not the recurrence of old habits in a new package.

    Happy New Year to someone who is Adorable, Handsome, and intelligent and wants to see you smiling always.
  51. However, May the New Year resembles a trip to Santa’s present pack that is very much stocked with all that you have been eyeing since the Black Friday sale.
  52. May you discover more opportunities to help the ignored and unattended individuals this New Year – and start your charity at home – with your spouse.
  53. May you have the grace and wisdom to act generous, learning to distinguish between what is personal and what is not. Also, May you have old buddies to reflect your vulnerable sides?
  54. May you spend lesser time online this New Year and more with the genuine individuals who top off your genuine world.
  55. It’s New Year’s Eve! Time for fireworks and treats Just be cautious, however, Be safe or you’ll lose a finger or two. Have a wonderful new year!
  56. May you lose your fear, addictions, and all different suppression and slavery in the coming year.
  57. In 20.., I want to be a role model, as soon as I figure out what my role is.
  58. Well, it’s a new year. Back to the drawing board. Happy New Year with love, kisses & laughter!
  59. 20.. is toast, and 20.. is the best thing since sliced bread.
  60. You have this year in the palm of your hand. Don’t squeeze the life out of it.
  61. Cheers to the New Year, but booze to forget the old one.
  62. If the New Year gives you a swift kick in the pants, just use the momentum to keep moving forward.
  63. The coming New Year is no joke. Also, it just feels funny.
  64. Wishing you a new year filled with all your favorite things: sequins, sarcasm, and shenanigans.
  65. Does it worry you just a little that we need alcohol to face another year?
  66. I hope the New Year is fruitful and appealing. Like bananas. I love bananas.
  67. It’s a new year. Let’s get it right so we won’t be left.
  68. In the New Year, let’s run around together. Literally. We need to lose weight.
  69. My New Year resolves to use up all the lotion, Chapstick, hand sanitizer, and other crap that hangs out in the bottom of my purse.
  70. This year, I resolve to remember why I came into the room.
  71. May your new year smell like a new car and never run out of gas.
  72. Instead of saying, “Happy New Year,” couldn’t we just break it into months? You know, like, “Happy February!” I function better with smaller tasks.
  73. Here’s hoping you can say whoa to the woe this year.
  74. This year, may your dough flow and your skin glow! Happy New Year with love and laughter!
  75. If the New Year was an infomercial, I’d throw in another one for the price of shipping! I hope 20. delivers!
  76. Have you ever wondered how Father Time becomes a baby each year? At midnight, let’s watch, to find out what he’s drinking.
  77. If we’re friends on Facebook, does that mean I can kiss you at midnight?
  78. In 20.., let’s live dangerously! I’ll get some scissors, and we can run with them!
  79. It is a New Year’s wish from someone keen, beautiful, and sexy, who needs to see you always cheerful!
  80. Always keep a smile, overlook the tears, appreciate the chuckling, and set aside the fear. However, want to wish you a stunning year!
  81. I hope you can carry on your resolution to not smoking for a taxing day this New Year!
  82. May you have a New Year brimming with rocking things that happened at no other time! Cheers to one more year of life!
  83. This Year I wish your neighbor does not ask you to babysit his tantrum-throwing daughter on weekends. New Year!
  84. Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and atonement that demands personal honesty and, at last, reinforces humility. Breaking them is a piece of the cycle.
  85. We do not entice this New Year to hope you to accumulate on wellbeing food cookbooks and afterward wind up warming solidified food at mealtimes.

    100 Funny New Year Wishes and Messages for Love Ones
  86. This time of year, it’s important to gather friends around and spend time together. I am eager to ring in the new year with you.
  87. This time of year is always so hectic with parties and events. I wanted to take a quiet moment to let you know how much you mean to me.
  88. I know you are looking for this year to be full of changes and I want you to know that I support you in your dreams, dear friend.
  89. Last year was so much fun, but I know this year is going to be even better. Happy New Year! I’m so excited about the new year.
  90. It’s time to start the new year. Let’s chill some champagne, whip up some party food, and start dancing the year away.
  91. Unfortunately, I don’t have any resolutions to make sense I’m already perfect.
  92. You made last year so special to me. It is my greatest wish that this coming year is special for you.
  93. My new year’s wish for you is that your life is full of love and prosperity. I hope this year is the best year ever.
  94. The most fun part about making New Year’s resolutions is breaking New Year’s resolutions. Can’t wait to mess up with you.
  95. New Year’s Eve is at last here, where we can be smashed out in the open and nobody minds. That is the reason this is the best occasion.
  96. A New Year is the chance to start over with a clean slate. Awful that my credit card won’t start over with a clean slate.
  97. Consistently we attempt to diet and exercise. Maybe this year our plans will work. Happy New Year companion.
  98. Recollect when we were young and needed to stay up for New Year’s? Presently we are old and all we need to do is sleep.
  99. Last year we got older and slower, yet we made some good memories. How about we ensure we do likewise in this new year?

Would you love to make them feel special? Also, if yes, then listen up. There are diverse ways to make this New Year’s Eve more entertaining with friends and others. And this could be achieved by sending some naughty and funny New Year wishes.

The above Funny New Year wishes are to make your loved ones laugh and crack their ribs. However, though some may sound very funny and amazing, they still pass great messages. Make your loved ones feel special, though.

New Year Messages and Wishes for Friends, Family and Loved Ones

– New Year Messages –

The countdown for the New Year has begun! New Year’s Eve is very close and the fireworks are about to explode! It is the most celebrated day of the year all over the world. Happy New Year Messages and Wishes are the most common way for people to express their feelings and their ambitions.

New Year Messages

It is also important to show our friends and family how loved and dear they are to us as we share this moment.

A comforting wish and New Year message can go a long way in convincing our friend’s family of their importance in our lives and give them a reason to smile.

New Year Messages And Wishes

1. The start of each year makes you one stride nearer to accomplishing your dreams. I hope this year will be a breakthrough and that your dreams will, at last, come true.

2. Dear companion, on this happy New Year’s event, keep our memories and feel the glow of my wants. Happy New Year!

3. If the previous year has not given you something to be happy and proud of, do not worry. If December 31 means the end of a year, January 1 means the beginning. You have life You have hope, go and do everything you want. – New Year Messages

4. To stop something old, we need to start something new, wishing them a heart loaded with satisfaction, even though the words here are few. An extremely happy new year!

5. Expand your circles of friends this New Year, meet new individuals, communicate and make new friends. It is tied in with rejoicing and inviting the New Year in greatness. “New Year Messages for Friends”

6. In the likelihood that you cannot fly and then run, in the likelihood that you cannot run and then walk, in the slim chance that you cannot walk and then slide, nonetheless, whatever you do, you need to ensure that you are pushing forward That is how you will have a fruitful new year.

7. On the soft night of stars, I hope every one of your aspirations comes true. May each star present in the sky bring you love and euphoria. Happy new year.

8. This new year, see the world with an inspirational standpoint, express your heart with certainty, tune in to other people, and likewise your inward voice and you will be on the correct way.

9. Wanting regularly of the new year to be filled with success, joy, and prosperity for you Happy New Year.

10. This year may we keep on sharing the genuine friendship that adds joy and warmth to occasion the most ordinary days.

11. Wishing you a year filled with joy, peace, prosperity, and love

12. I hope these great wishes assist you with praising an energizing and mystical New Year

13. There is next to one side for the appearance of the New Year and with it for the finish of another year in 60 minutes

14. Be appreciative for the valuable year and supportive in the following. I wish you much prosperity great well-being and good karma. – New Year Messages

15. At whatever point I think about the New Year, I generally consider you. Regardless of whether we are miles away, you generally want and appeal to God for it. Have an incredible new year!

16. We are here now, appreciate this new year, and remain happy!

17. even though life presents you with a few impediments and hindrances, feel pleased with having figured out how to overcome everything and cross the extension to another new year. May you keep on being this firm and win all the lacks! “2021 New Year Phrases”

18. Life is an available newspaper brimming with void pages that anticipate you. Fill them with your story as you go.

19. That all desires and objectives for each day are met around the same time!

20. Let the new season wash away all your concerns and bring you delight and better days. Let every sunbeam and every snowflake witness your efforts to shine. Happy New Year

21. This season, it’s imperative to accumulate friends around and spend time together. I am anxious to ring in the new year with you.

22. Much thanks to you for being a friend even when I didn’t deserve one. You are a jewel. May you have the greatest, most joyful, and craziest celebration on New Year’s eve.

23. A new year is something like a clear book, and it is dependent upon you to write a bright story in it with the pen you have in your hands. – New Year Messages

24. My best wishes to you in this new year ahead, and that the new year comes to you with happiness and energies, from today a new beginning for all starts, Happy New Year!

25. Appreciate every year as it was the last one you live and you will have happiness, a life with wellbeing, money, and love that we should appreciate Happy New Year! For all of you my best friends.

26. A new year starts today, and with it, new possibilities in our stocks, life in some cases take us on various courses yet the one who controls your destiny is you, do not forget to remember the happy new year. 2021 New Year Messages

25. Tonight there will be a star that will shine more than the others. In it, I have put all my great wishes to wish you a happy 2021, make it shine all year.

26. For the year that begins now, I wish you that the routines become shocks, the furious ones in grins and the bitterness in hopes and that your flag is love, hope, and peace. Happy New Year!

27. I could not have a better friend than you, I wish you the best and to accommodate a lot more years of friendship.

28. May the rain of peace, hope, happiness, and love get you with a broken umbrella and splash everyone around you. Happy new year.

29. I hope your issues keep going as long as your New Year’s goals. Happy New Year!

30. This year, I turned into a tycoon since I have the most significant fortunes which is friendship.

31. Don’t worry about the awful choices you have made during the year … Your friends will deal with turning them into extraordinary stories – New Year Messages

32. I wish you such great gatherings that you start the year thinking that it merited the chuckle instead of the pain.

33. 2019 might not have been the best year, yet it has been pressed with unforgettable individuals, minutes and days.

34. This year I loved, cried, battled, giggled, committed errors, learned, grew up, and met amazing individuals. Much appreciated 2019! Hi, 2021!

35. This year I can just thank you for being a piece of my colossal fortune. Happy 2021.

36. I may not be a decent understudy yet I recall every word you state and I generally attempt to follow your recommendation. Happy new year teacher!

37. I’m fortunate to have a superb teacher like you. I hope your New Year is as brilliant as you may be. Happy New Year!

38. To the best teacher on the planet! Happy New Year! May your days be filled with happiness and success!

39. When you perceive a decent teacher, they become your good example. You’ve become mine. Happy New Year.

40. As the old year is coming to an end, I might want to thank you all. The new year is coming with new experiences and new responsibilities-yet you folks are consistent with them. Happy New Year.

41. I wish you get all the blessings and success that you genuinely deserve. All my prayers and great wishes are consistent with you. Have an incredible year ahead! – New Year Messages

42. A new year allows us to turn over a new page of the journal of life and write anything on it as we wish. Hope this upcoming year brings you bliss and happiness. Happy New Year.

43. I’m generally grateful to the Almighty for you. Much thanks to you for playing a significant job in my life and making it so special. Wishing you a magnificent year ahead.

44. Life is full of good and bad times – much obliged for making my downs not gloomy rather funny and agreeable. Without you, I couldn’t have endured this year. Much obliged to you! Have an extraordinary year ahead.

45. As we step into a new year, I might want to value you for lifting me every time I fall and encouraging me to move forward – regardless. Have a wonderful year!

46. Remote of your life is in your hands. Switch the awful channels into great channels and move forward. Wish you an extremely Happy and Prosperous New Year ahead.

47. I miracle to recollect when we were young and stayed until late! How about we have a repeat this new year. Happy New Year!

48.  New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the goal, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes only for you. Have a promising and fulfilling new year!

49. Recall all the great memories you have made and realize that your life will be so full of wonders in the coming year. Happy new year!

50. I can’t disclose to you anything that you don’t know as of now since you’re my best friend however I like to repeat the most significant thing you’re a brilliant friend have a magnificent new year!

51. I am sending the best wishes to my best friend for an amazing new year! May the happiness consistently shine on you! – New Year Messages

52. Knowing you has been an ace class in true friendship. During the New Year, I hope to imitate your love and warmth. Happy New Year.

53. Special moments spent together, with you, my best friend, and I miss you a Lot this new year! Wish you a happy New Year.

54. May each challenge you face this year give you courage, hope, and success. Hoping you have an incredible year in front of you. May Lord favor you, dear best friend. Happy New Year.

55. A debt of gratitude is for being my favorite friend out of them all. On this New Year, all my desires and prayers are for you that You be honored by God. Have a favored year in front of you. Happy New Year.

56. New Year’s night is all about family reunions. In this way, happy that God has favored me with such an amazing family, Happy New Year. May all the beneficial things happen to us.

57. The world can be extremely remorseless now and again yet knowing that you folks have consistently got my back – makes it a ton simpler. Happy New Year. May God favor you.

58. Every year brings something new to our life: new friends, new employment, new garments… But there’s one thing time can’t change: love for our families. Happy New Year! – New Year Messages

59. May God bestow our family with enough quality and unity to overcome every rain and tempest of life. Wishing you all a bright new year!

60. I ask this New Year for my family members, Lord shower upon you innumerable blessings of happiness and love consistently, have a Happy New Year!

61. For my lovely family members, I send love and New Year’s wants to all. I wish your New Year celebration be a sublime one and the oncoming year a fortune of lovely moments. Have a happy new year ahead.

62. My dear family, I want you to know one thing: all that matters to me is your happiness and prosperity. Being a member of such a wonderful family is a real blessing and I will be thankful to you forever. Happy new year!

63. I send the heartiest new year greeting wants to my family. Leave this New Year alone the loveliest of all with appreciated moments of bliss your way. Have a happy new year!

64. A family like our own lights up every year with happiness and delight! And I am fortunate to be a piece of it! Happy New Year.

65. Much obliged to you all for being with me through all these years. There’s quite a lot more to come! Life is amazing with you in it. Have a happy New Year! – New Year Messages

66. As we step into another year I’d prefer to thank you for lifting me whenever I am down and encouraging me to move forward. Have a wonderful year!

67. Happiness and prosperity are the two things that lone issue to me being a member of this favored and wonderful family. May we as a whole have a Happy New Year!

68. As I anticipate a New Year, I generally think of the blessings my folks have given me. Even though we’re miles separated, you are consistently in my consideration. Happy New Year.

69. We should begin this new year’s eve by erasing all the flaws from our hearts and start once again a happy new year!

70. May all the wounds disappear from our hearts and overflow over our spirit with peace and happiness. Wishing you a happy new year.

71. This new year festive, may you have the option to delete all your concerns and draw a new period of happiness that you deserve.

72. You are the spirit of my life whenever I have felt down to earth. May this new year’s eve, God fills you with tremendous joys. – New Year Messages

73. This message passes on my love and heartiest New Year wants for all my family members. Have a superb New Year celebration!

74. New Year is generally so peaceful and relaxing. And I believe that my dearest family is the explanation behind this brilliant climate. Happy New Year 2021!

New Year Messages

75. I send New Year’s wants to my family and appeal to master to fortify our love and the family bonding more this new year. Have a happy new year.

76. Happy New Year to you, Mom and Dad, a debt of gratitude is for everything you do for me, I love you to such an extent.

77. My wonderful sibling: thank you for the fun, and once in a while embarrassing, memories we share. How about we prop that tradition up in the upcoming year! Happy New Year, with love.

78. Happy New Year my sibling, I couldn’t approach God for a better sibling. May we as a whole remain happy and sound in this New Year! – New Year Messages

79. Happy New Year, Grandma. I wish you a splendid New Year, much the same as every year you have lit up in my life. Much obliged to you.

80. My first friend, my consistent support: in the coming year, I wish you all of the blessings you deserve. I love you, darling.

81. New year is a celebration for friends. To remember last year’s moments and to welcome the new year together. Happy New Year!

82. I wish you the best to reach your fondest goals enough time to rest in harmony and fulfillment sweet new year my dearest friend!

83. I wish you all the blessings and success you truly deserve. Happy New Year my friend, all my prayers are with you.

84. Just as a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around, May the new year add a new beauty and freshness into your life. – New Year Messages

85. I wish you have a rocking year ahead spent with friends and loved ones. Here is wishing you a Happy new year!

86. I hope to be a better friend to you this year. I want to be deserving of the friendship you give me. Happy New Year!

87. Smile and celebrate. We are friends and forever we will be. I am so lucky I got a friend like you. Your simple gestures make me feel important to you. Happy New Year!

88. A friend like you is one in a million and much precious to be treasured. I am thankful to have you in my life and wish you a loving and funny New Year.

89. From virtually to real, you are there in all my situations. Thanks for being a part of my life and supporting me. Happy new year 2021.

90. May the magic of the new year be bestowed in your life as you have endowed me with your precious love, my beloved Friend!

91. I feel complete with you and all my joys are doubled if you take part in it. Wishing you an ecstatic new year!

92. A new cheerful year is looking forward to you with a lot of blessings, happiness, and joy. May you have an amazing time! – New Year Messages

93. Whenever there was darkness, you were there like the shining star in the sky of my life. No one holds the place as you do, my adorable friend!

94. May this new year’s eve bring golden memories to our family to cherish forever. Happy new year!

95. This family is the beautiful gift that I have. May this new year make new cheerful memories with my lovely family.

96. I am so much lucky to have this lovely and supportive family. May God keep the smile on all of your faces through the year!

New Year Messages

97. May the beginning of this New Year be as angelic as you are, and may time keep getting better with each month passing.

98. Warm wishes and best regards to you and your family on this special moment that your lives puff up with immense happiness. – New Year Messages

99. May the new year bring all the good things in life you truly deserve. You had an amazing year and next year will be even better!

100. Another year has passed. Another year has come. May many blessings come your way in the new year.

101. Wishing you a New Year that’s sparkling with fun! Have a fantastic New Year!

102. We all get the same 365 days. The difference is what we do with them.

103. As the new year dawns, I hope it’s filled with the promises of a brighter tomorrow. Happy New Year!

104. Wishing everyone a wonderful start to the new year! – New Year Messages

105. Let us be better human beings, better people, and better citizens. New Year’s is a time to better ourselves for a better world. Have a grand New Year!

106. Remember the good times of [year], and get ready for the better times of [year].

107. May all your goals are achieved, and all your plans are fulfilled. Have a blessed year ahead!

108. I hope your life will be full of surprise and joy in the new year that’s about to begin. May you be blessed with everything you want in life.

109. Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!

110. Wishing you all a blissful new year. Hope that joy and success follow you in every sector of life.

A new year, a new beginning, a new start for us all. Ring in the New Year with these wishes and new year greetings for family and friends. Share these wishes with the special people in your life.

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